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With all new irrigation system design, we focus on efficiency. To ensure this, our experienced team of designers have extensive up-to-date knowledge of the industry and all the products we offer.

Utilising computer software to analyse projects and hydraulically design solutions to suit your needs, we aim to match your requirements and maximise efficiency, whether it be irrigation, stockwater, effluent or sprinklers.

Whether it be irrigation, stockwater, effluent or sprinklers, our design team come to your farm to assess your situation. They’ll look at the water available, crop and soil type, application depth and rates. All options are considered before we provide advice/feedback on reliability, capital cost, running costs, timeline and efficiency in achieving your desired outcome.

To ensure you’re always fully in the loop with what’s happening, our graphic designer accurately draws preliminary and final computer sketches of irrigation systems on aerial maps to provide an accurate visual account of scheme.

At Rainer Irrigation we promise to deliver and strive to deliver more than what we promise. Our designers manage your project from the design phase through to completion, this ensures time lines are met and final delivery is a ‘turn key’ service.

We are certified service provider, accredited in irrigation and dairy farm effluent design. Rest assured your irrigation system is designed specifically and efficiently to fit your purpose.

To maximise the benefits of irrigation, water application must be made correctly, with an understanding of what is taking place. Poorly performing (non-uniform) irrigation systems and poor scheduling have been identified as the major causes of low efficiency and subsequent waste of water and energy.

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Having our own electrical team means we can take care of you from the power pole to the irrigator.

Our well-resourced electrical division includes field electricians, an electrical inspector, a specialist switchboard builder and an apprentice, all of whom are specifically trained in the irrigation industry.

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At Rainer Irrigation, we believe back up service is just as important as the sale and installation of new equipment. Our service department is trained and experienced in the service and repair in all facets of irrigation.

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